AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Introduction to probability, statistics, and data handling
Lectures are held in room D10 room 225 building D10 (Reymonta 19). First meeting: 29.02.2024.
- What is a statistic for? Conditional probability Lecture
- Random variable Lecture
- Bernouli, Poisson and Gaussian distributions Lecture Statistical tables
- Law of large numbers, Chebyshev Inequality, Central Limit Theorem Lecture
- Point estimation Lecture
- Confidence intervals Lecture
- Hypothesis testing Lecture
- Tests for means and variance cont. Lecture
- Curve fitting and regression Lecture
- Point estimation cont. (MMM MLS, MML) Lecture
- Error Propagation Formula, PCA Lecture
- Retake test
- Exam (requirement: positive grade from tutorial) 29.01.2014 11-12:30
- Retake exam: 5.02, at 11, 225/D10
- Final Grade is calculated as: 0.3 Tutorial + 0.2 Laboratory + 0.5 Exam
Wednesdays at 11:20-12:50 (starting in December) in room 207 building D10 (Reymonta 19).
- Introductory Statistics, OpenStax Access online
- A modern introduction to Probability and Statistics F.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaa, L.E. Meester, Springer 2005
Course coordinator: dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Obłąkowska-Mucha, prof AGH mail
Assistant M.Sc. Saliha Bashir mail
AGH University of Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science
D11 room 106
ul. Kawiory 26a, 30-055 Kraków
phone +48 12 617 29 96